Using hazard maps

Hazard maps provide a detailed overview of teh hazard situation in a locality classified in accordance with five risk categories:


RED (severe risk)

  • People are at risk both inside and outside buildings.
  • The sudden destruction of buildings may be expected.
  • Spatial planning: no creation of new development zones; no construction of extension of buildings or infrastructure.


BLUE (medium risk)

  • People are at low risk inside buildings but they are at risk outside.
  • Damage to buildings may be expected, however the sudden destruction of buildings in this area should not be expected if certain regulations with respect to construction methods are observed.
  • Spatial planning: new development zones should only be created following the weighing up of interests; planning permission must be made subject to compliance with the regulations.


YELLOW (low risk)

  • There is little or no risk to human life.
  • Minimal damage to buildings or disruptions may be expected, however extensive material damage may arise inside buildings.
  • Spatial planning: reference should be made to the hazard situation; recommendations should be made for the protection of existing structures and the imposition of requirements for new buildings should be considered (e.g. reinforced walls on mountain sides to withstand avalanche pressure)


YELLOW-WHITE (residual risk)

  • Reference area that displays a residual risk or residual risk with very low probability of occurrence.
  • Spatial planning: reference should be made to the hazard situation; regulations should be imposed in the case of sensitive uses and considerable hazard potential


WHITE (no or negligible risk)


Technical reports on the hazard maps are also available. These provide detailed information on teh concrete hazard situations associated with natural hazard events.