PLANAT (2018)

2018 strategy "Management of risks from natural hazards"

Update of the PLANAT strategy


Starting point

A secure setting in which to live and do business is a prerequisite for prosperity and quality of life. However, there is no such thing as absolute security. Natural events can threaten people, material assets and a country’s economic vitality, as demonstrated by recent loss events such as the floods of 2005. By implementing this strategy, Switzerland will secure its living and economic environment for the long term.



Key points

- Switzerland addresses natural hazards with a risk-oriented approach
- Switzerland practices a comprehensive risk culture
- Integrated risk management involves all actors
- Natural hazards are managed in a spirit of solidarity
- Knowledge of natural hazards and risks is up-to-date and accessible
- Risk management takes into account all aspects of sustainability



2018 strategy "Management of Risks from Natural Hazards"

Leporello 2018 strategy "Management of Risks from Natural Hazards"

Media release